
Las Animas Dog Rescue

How You Can Help

Adoptable Dogs

Adopted Dogs

Resident Dogs

Mixed Breed

Ready for adoption

Type: Mixed Breed

Age: Adult

Sex: Male

Size: Large

Good with: Kids, Strangers, Other dogs, Loud noises (eg. fireworks, thunderstrikes), Cats

Health: Vaccinated, Spayed/Neutered

Don't let his resting grumpy face fool you, Albus is an excitable boy that is full affecion and love. Anytime you walk over to him his tail immediately beguins to wag and his face starts to smile! He is also very playful and loves to chase the wave of play with toys. While Albus will need a bit of training this handsome boy is certainly worth the effort!
Albus was abandoned by his previous owners and left to fend for himself on the streets. He became very skinny and sickly and some kind neighbours that had been watching over him contacted us for help.
Despite his sad past Albus has a lot of love and affection in his heart and is very excitable whenever he gets attention from his humans. Sometime his excitement means that he jumps up on you and mouths (but never very hard) so an owner that has experience correcting this would be beneficial so he can get endless cuddles and pets. Albus is very good at listening to instrutions and trying to do the right things so he only needs a little guidance to show him the way. Something in his past has made Albus very nervous of new dogs that he meets while on leash, although he tends to be fine when greeting all the new dogs to our house when he is offleash. His reaction comes from fear and an owners that can teach him how to behave and have the patience for him is essential. He is improving all the time and even goes to the dogpark with over 20 other dogs but can not yet be offleash without constant and close supervision. We know that with the right owner he can be taught to no longer fear other dogs while on leash. He is definitely a dog that is used to living alone but shows no signs of aggression to our other dogs in the house and very happily coexsists with them. He even recently has started to play with one of our bigger females which has been a bid step for Albus and we are hoping he will start to play more and more!

Ask About and Meet Albus

Hi Future Owner!

Did I already leave a small paw print on your heart?
Please get in touch if you are interested in saving me!


Love, Albus

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