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When shocking images have been circulating in rescue groups, we drove out to try and find him a few times until we were finally successful in locating the dog. His name is Oso and he does have an owner. The owner has been trying desperately to make Oso better and to fatten him up, but Oso’s deteriorating health was at such a critical point that he could no longer absorb nutrients from food and he desperately needed medical intervention that the owner simply could not afford. He has several other dogs that are in fairly good health, and Oso clearly adored him as well as his children, so we will be assisting with Oso’s medical and then he will be going back to his family once he is fat and healthy. We do not want a loving family to be split up purely because of financial reasons! Once Oso’s owner agreed that we could take Oso and try to fix him up, he made us look into his eyes and promise that we would be careful and try as hard as we could to make him better. He loves his dog. That said... Oso was in DREADFUL shape. He has a terrible spasm that runs from his mouth and throat to his chest. His teeth all stick out horizontally from his jaw and it appears to hurt him when he eats. There was an extremely painful wheezing when he breathes. All that coupled with horrendous malnourishment. Oso gained weight slowly but surely and now looks a million times better than he did when we picked him up! He is a really happy boy and loves exploring but ultimately loves being close by and watching what the humans are up to. His temperament is so sweet and we are truly grateful to have him in our lives. HOWEVER, we had to face more sad news... we noticed blood coming from Oso’s penis and after rushing over to the vet it was confirmed that Oso has TVT, a type of cancer. The medication for this type of cancer is extremely difficult to find in Mexico as there is a nationwide shortage but we have managed to find, with the help of our friend and local animal advocate. Oso is a fighter!

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Las Animas Dog Rescue